Candles, Cozies, and Lemon Chess Pie: Things I’m Grateful for This Autumn

Image by Vassilis lappas from Pixabay

Gratitude is something I strive to practice daily, but in the spirit of November I thought I’d make a list of things I am especially grateful for this autumn.


Of course, family comes first. In a year that’s seen my daughter move out and my son begin driving himself to school, I’m more aware than ever of the invaluable moments that make up a mother’s life, and I cherish every one.


There’s less time for writing than there used to be, but that just makes me appreciate it more. I’m grateful for the stories that still whisper their secrets to me and for the memories that wait patiently until I find the right words.


My critique partner Carrie has been there for me for over a decade. We hold each other accountable in weekly emails, exchanging stories and sharing our struggles and triumphs, and I am so grateful to have her in my life.


For many years I was a practicing nurse, and although I was good at my job, I never loved it. Now that I’m teaching, I’m amazed that I ever did anything else. Whether preschool or middle school, education is where I belong.


It’s important to appreciate the little things in life, and little gives me more simple pleasure than holiday-themed candles. This autumn I’ve been indulging in the warm scents of Pumpkin Carving and Movie Night Cocoa.

Lemon Chess Pie

I quit sugar four years ago, but I still love baking sweet treats for my family. Lemon chess pie has become an autumn staple; it’s not officially Thanksgiving until our home is filled with the sweet smells of buttery pie crust and freshly grated lemon zest.

Hogwarts Legacy

Going back to simple pleasures, after spending a day managing 11- and 12-year olds, there’s nothing like cheerfully casting Crucio on an armored mountain troll. I bought a PS5 solely for the privilege of playing this game, and it’s been worth every penny.

Cozy Mysteries

My go-to guilty pleasure, cozies are short and sweet and laugh-out-loud funny. The latest in my favorite series came out in October, but I saved it for Thanksgiving Break so I could relax and read in long stretches on my sunny porch.

Right about now, that sounds like a good idea.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. Gratitude goes two ways, my friend. Knowing you has been a blessing in more ways than I can count. Here’s to another decade of adventures in writing…and in life. Happy Thanksgiving!