When Stories Disappear

Image by piper60 from Pixabay

In June of 2019 I wrote a post paying tribute to literary magazines and lamenting the many we’d lost that year. YA Review Network (YARN), an online publication dedicated to young adult literature, was one of them.

A few months ago YARN announced that their website would be shutting down at the end of the year. They encouraged readers to save their favorite stories before that happened.

I was fortunate enough to have three pieces published in YARN. The first, “We Never Get to Talk Anymore,” was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart Prize; the second, “The Lost Girls,” won runner up in their 2017 Halloween Fiction Contest; and the third, “From Autumn to June,” was published in the summer of 2018.

Knowing these stories would soon vanish, I thought I’d talk a little about them in this month’s blog post and link to them for my newer readers. Unfortunately, when I checked the links, I discovered YARN’s website was already gone.

The end of the year came a little too soon.

The internet is fleeting, we know that, but it still hurts to see your work disappear. This was a first for me; other magazines I’ve published in that have since ceased production still maintain their websites, although I realize this is probably costly.

Luckily, I’d taken time last year to print out all of my online fiction and creative nonfiction, just in case. I didn’t do a great job of it; I don’t even think I changed my printer settings from draft to high quality.

But at least I have paper copies of my YARN stories stamped with dates and images from the website that first gave them a home. And I’m grateful to the editors for giving them that home, even if it was only a temporary one.

One Author’s Experience With Kindle Vella

Whew, that was wild! Now that I’ve had a chance to catch my breath, let me tell you what led me to the Kindle Vella platform and how it’s going. This post is very long and mostly about me so if you’re just here for the Vella info, and I don’t blame you, scroll down to the screenshots. 🙂

Dreaming up Sweet Dreams

On a Saturday morning in January of 2019 I was sitting in my office at work enjoying a coffee break when suddenly I had a brilliant idea. It came out of nowhere in a burst of inspiration and I remember thinking, wait, has no one actually done this before?!

As a writer, you know there are only so many ideas, and none of them are actually original, but I thought that maybe I had found one.

I’d recently discovered a love for cozy mysteries. I adored everything about them—their punny titles, their cutesy covers, their formulaic plots stuffed with over-the-top characters and cupcake recipes. They were murder mysteries that didn’t take themselves too seriously, and they always made me laugh.

Waiting for the next cozy mystery in a series reminded me of waiting for the next Sweet Valley High or Cheerleaders book as a teenager. Falling into the familiar where you know all the characters and the setting and structure of the story and can read it in one day—a simple guilty pleasure.

The readers of cozy mysteries are fiercely loyal, and they are mostly middle-aged women. This same demographic makes up a large portion of those who read young adult fiction.

So why were there no young adult cozy mysteries?

I checked, and if they’re out there, I can’t find them. There are YA murder mysteries like One of Us Is Lying, and the Truly Devious series, but these are thrillers. Cozies are very different from thrillers and there aren’t any for YA readers. But I bet YA readers would love them. Think of Scooby-Doo, but with murder. A beloved cast of characters involved in SERIOUS STUFF like kidnappings and hauntings or in this case death but it’s FUNNY. Where are these books for teens?! Where are the short and sweet guilty pleasures that adults get with cozies and that middle grade readers get with Goosebumps?

So that was my brilliant idea. I’d write a YA cozy mystery series. I’d write the book I wanted to see in YA and subvert the tropes I was tired of seeing. No dead parents, no clueless/neglectful/abusive parents, no tacked on romantic subplot, no bookworm/nerdy-girl main character and, in line with the rules for cozies, no sex, drugs, profanity, or gore.

I’ve also long wanted to see shorter books. Growing up I could choose between 1,000 pages of Stephen King or 180 pages of Sweet Valley High, and they both fully qualified as books to me. Why does everything now have to be 400 pages long? I decided I would stubbornly keep my cozy mysteries to 45,000 words, no more. That’s plenty for a story, especially if you cut the ubiquitous and tiresome romantic subplot. That’s just what I’d do.

I let the idea percolate awhile, and then in the fall of 2019, I spent several weeks dreaming up my series. I also studied how to write cozies, because I wanted to do it right. Cozies have rules, and you cannot break them. Some of these rules are

1) Theme: there must be a theme, and it’s usually centered around the main character’s occupation or hobby, and you must show your main character engaged in this work/hobby. For example, there are bakery cozies, crafting cozies, and bookstore cozies. I chose ice cream for my theme, because my daughter had recently started working at an ice cream shop. I named my fictional ice cream shop Sweet Dreams Ice Cream Parlour.

2) Pets: there must be a pet, and pet care must be shown. Bookstore cats are common. I’m a dog person, so the Sweet Dreams pet is a golden retriever, and she’s amazing; you’ll love her.

3) PG rating: there cannot be gratuitous violence, profanity, or sex, all deaths are discovered, not witnessed, and there must always, ALWAYS, be a happy ending. The MC is rarely in any real danger for long.

4) Amateur Sleuth: cozies are not police procedurals. The sleuth is an amateur, and the mysteries are puzzle-like and solved by piecing together clues through interviews with several suspects. Often though, there is a contact within law enforcement, and in Sweet Dreams that’s retired detective Charlie Moran. You’ll love him too (he’s a cozy mystery fan, but insists he only reads them for the recipes.)

5) Murderer: the murders in cozies are based on motives like greed and jealousy. These aren’t serial killers but everyday people who are part of the community. Likewise, when apprehended they tend to explain their crimes in petulant monologues: again, think Scooby-Doo.

6) Victim: the victim in a cozy is often someone who is highly disliked, usually laughably terrible, and this allows for lots of suspects.

7) Puns: cozy titles are clever and cute, and puns are definitely intended. Some recent examples are Mocha, She Wrote, Partners in Lime, Thread on Arrival, and Game of Cones. I tossed around several ideas before settling on Murder by Milkshake.

There were rules I came up with for myself too. My books would be 45,000 words at most. I wouldn’t have any guns. I would keep my main character Genevieve’s friendship with her BFF Brandon platonic and she would remain focused on her one true love, her ice cream shop. No teens would be murdered, and no teens would be murderers. All deaths and suspects would be adults. The teens are the ones who save the day, and of course, they always succeed. Again, cozies have happy endings, you can count on them. They are pure escapist fun.

I wrote the first Sweet Dreams book in fall of 2019, and it was the absolute most fun I’d ever had writing anything. This was a purely plot-driven story, and I cheerfully riddled my book with adverbs, because I like adverbs, and I was going to flout the rules, by God. I wrote with joy, every day, and in thirteen weeks I had my draft. It was so much fun I jumped right into the next book and I wrote that one too. In June I edited Murder by Milkshake and sent it to my critique partner, and after several more months and edits I began submitting it, sure I would find an agent.

I did not find an agent. But I did find Kindle Vella.

What is Kindle Vella?

Kindle Vella is Amazon’s new serialized story platform. Authors can post episodes (chapters) as they’re writing them or, like me, simply post a book that’s already written (although it can’t have been previously published). Readers get the first three episodes free, and then pay for additional episodes with tokens. Tokens cost about a dollar each and are worth one hundred words. So for $9.99 you get 1,100 tokens which buys you about 110,000 words. My book is 45,000 words so it would cost about $4.00 to read it since you wouldn’t be paying for the first three chapters.

Why Vella?

I’ve long considered self-publishing. Having been traditionally published I really don’t feel I have anything to prove, and my books always seem to fall short of the word counts required for traditional book deals. Yet the steep learning curve for self-publishing was daunting—particularly formatting and cover design. It costs several hundred dollars to outsource these things, money I just don’t have. And then Kindle Vella came along and suddenly none of that mattered. You can literally cut and paste text into the text editor and not worry about formatting, and when it comes to the cover, well, you simply need one good image, eliminating the problem of balancing graphics and text on the cover and having a cover that works on ebooks and print books.

When I learned about all of this in April I was so excited! I would upload Murder by Milkshake on Kindle Vella and while I waited for it to go live I would edit the second book. I would use a pen name and create a new website dedicated to Sweet Dreams Mysteries. I’d create Sweet Dreams social media accounts and promotional material and devote all my writing time to making the series successful. I… did none of these things. Well, besides uploading Murder by Milkshake. I did do that, and then I decided to edit my middle grade horror book Halloween Eternal and didn’t think much about the Vella launch at all. And then Vella launched and out of the thousands of books uploaded to the site, Murder by Milkshake was one of twenty-five chosen for the featured stories page.

When I saw my book on the front page, I was elated and absolutely stunned. I was also, of course, instantly regretful. If only I’d worked on that website! If only I’d commissioned an image for the cover. If only I’d followed through with my promotion plans. But I didn’t, and now I had to fix it as best I could. I reached out to a graphic designer on Fiverr and told her I needed something fast, an image for Vella that had ice cream and was murder-y but also cheerful, could she do that? She could, and she did. I LOVE the image she created. I uploaded it and changed my pen name to my real name and announced my exciting news in a blog post and on Twitter. And then I sat back and watched the numbers.

It took a while to figure out how to access the Kindle Vella dashboard, but once I figured it out I was entranced. I’ve published one book traditionally as well as several stories and essays and I’ve never had access to numbers like this. It’s fascinating to see how many people are reading and which chapters they’re reading and where I’m losing them. It’s obvious, for example, that there is a problem with chapter four.

These screenshots are from Saturday, July 17, four days after Vella launched. So far, no one has read past chapter nine.

Is it worth it?

That depends on your reasons for publishing. One of the reasons I loved the idea of Vella so much is because I mostly just wanted a platform to make my stories available and I wanted them to look nice. Vella does that for me.

Without that front page placement though, I probably wouldn’t have any readers at all. And it remains to be seen whether even one person will read my entire book. If you’re looking for validation or money, you may not find it here, but that’s true of publishing in general.

Then again, I’m sure there are authors on there who did everything right and prepared and promoted and have thousands of reads and are making money and gaining lifelong fans. Vella gave me a platform and I have only myself to blame for not taking full advantage of it by having my book professionally edited first and having a promotion plan in place.

For now, I’m keeping Murder by Milkshake up on Vella, but I will continue to seek an agent for my adult gothic suspense The House on Linden Way and my middle grade horror Halloween Eternal.

I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to publish Sweet Dreams Mysteries traditionally, and now my secret is out. Maybe someone else will run with it and have better luck securing representation. If that happens, I’ll be envious, but I’ll also cheer them on, because I still believe the world needs a YA cozy mystery series and that all of us, but especially teens, need more laughter in our lives. 🙂

Read My New Story “Transient” in Reservoir Road

Image by rony michaud from Pixabay

For the last year and a half I’ve been so focused on novels—planning them, writing them, editing them, pitching them— that I’ve neglected my short stories and essays. I realized recently that it’s been nearly a year since I’ve had anything published, largely because I stopped trying. Not wanting to break a nine-year streak of seeing my stories online, I temporarily set aside the novel manuscripts in favor of going on submission with the shorter stuff.

In the process I discovered some great new magazines. One in particular, Reservoir Road Literary Review, seemed like it might be a good fit for my work. They were looking for stories “full of grit and discomfort that shed sympathetic light on the questionable, the unfavorable.” I had a story like that—a flash creative nonfiction piece called “Transient” that I penned way back in 2017. It’s about how we remember those whose choices in critical moments can alter forever the course of our lives. I polished up the essay, hit submit, and crossed my fingers.

Within weeks I received a warm acceptance email that did wonders for my confidence (something easy to lose when you’ve spent over a year searching for a literary agent). There’s nothing like the feeling of your story finding a home. I missed that feeling.

Read “Transient” now in the new issue of Reservoir Road.

Six Years of Blogging

Image from Flickr by Will Clayton

It’s hard for me to believe, but this month marks six years since I started blogging.

I remember nervously hitting publish on that first post, uncomfortable with the idea of broadcasting my thoughts and feelings to a public audience, a reluctance that now seems adorably quaint. Long gone are the days when putting ourselves out there inspired such thrilling anxiety; it’s both a relief and a sad kind of loss.

Back then, my heart aflame with the recent news that my book was to be published the following year, I committed to writing one blog post per week. That ambitious goal lasted approximately three months before I sheepishly conceded defeat.

I am not a fast writer, and despite being repeatedly assured that blog posts are meant to be written in a more casual and conversational style, I just don’t write that way. I decided I’d rather take my time and publish one or two posts per month than fire off one or more per week for the sake of producing content.

And I’m glad. Although I’ve never blogged frequently enough to earn much of a following, when I reread my old posts (six years’ worth!!) I’m proud of what’s there. Each entry was carefully thought out: every title, every picture, every paragraph break, every word—all with you in mind. Because if you’re here and reading, I want you to feel these posts are worth your time.

Hopefully I’ve succeeded. Thank you for sticking around, and in honor of that day six years ago, here’s a link back in time. I had just celebrated my 38th birthday and wrote about everything that was most important to me then, which happens to be the same things that are most important to me now: my family, my writing, and chocolate cake.

Some things never change.

One Resolution, Many High Hopes

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Since 2014 I’ve avoided declaring writing resolutions and tried keeping things simple with one easy goal—reading one book per week for a total of 52 per year.

This year I far exceeded that goal, partly because I embraced a new-found love of audiobooks. I’ll share my bookish end-of-year recap with you in a few weeks, but for now here’s a list of the writing I published in 2018:

Short Stories

From Autumn to June
A young girl struggles with feelings of loss over an aborted sibling.

I’ve lived all my life without knowing you. Fourteen years. I’ll still never know you, but at least now I know of you. You existed once, and nobody gave you a name, and I’m sorry about that.

The Lost Girls
A six-year-old boy experiences a truly haunted Halloween while trick-or-treating with his sister.

He’d never been to the ocean and didn’t know what the waves sounded like when they broke against the shore, but Timothy knew they didn’t sound like the voices of girls.


A Different Point of View
In this post for Women on Writing, I reveal a trick to getting to know your characters better.

Start at the Beginning—Using Titles as Prompts
In this post for Superstition Review, I discuss writer’s block and how to beat it.


Although it didn’t get published, I was thrilled when my essay Pure Imagination won honorable mention in Women on Writing’s essay contest in March.

I may not have writing resolutions for 2019, but I have lots of hopes. I hope to find an agent or publisher for one (or all!) of my three unpublished books. I hope to write something completely different, non-literary, and fun (maybe a cozy mystery?). Above all, I hope to keep scribbling away—preserving memories, creating worlds, and wondering at the magic of it all.

Happy New Year!

Read My New Story “From Autumn to June”

This week YA Review Network published my short story “From Autumn to June.” I wrote this piece last spring and was thrilled when YARN sent an acceptance letter over the summer. Having worked with them previously on my story “We Never Get to Talk Anymore” and again on a piece that will be published in October, I knew my work was in good hands.

“From Autumn to June” was one of those rare stories that almost seemed to write itself. It’s as if it were there all along, just waiting to be discovered. When that happens it feels like magic, and it’s the best part of being a writer.

Another great thing about being a writer is getting to see the world through different points of view. This particular story explores a very sensitive subject from a perspective not often considered or given a voice. While researching, I was surprised to discover how prevalent this issue is—I found several support groups on various platforms dedicated to those struggling with it.

At first I wasn’t sure how to approach the narrative. Remembering how much I loved reading Barbara Kingsolver’s letters to her mother and daughter in Small Wonder, I thought I’d try the same. The style, called epistolary, has an eloquent way of capturing intimacy. I love how it turned out, and I hope you do too.

Read “From Autumn to June” here.

On First Publications

Photo by Lance Grandahl on Unsplash

A writer’s first publication is something special. I remember mine—a newspaper article I wrote when I was fifteen. My friend Bethany wanted to be a photographer and I had lofty aspirations to become a music journalist. Some of our friends were in a heavy metal band and had an upcoming gig, so I wrote a sprawling profile and Bethany arranged a photo shoot of the band members perched on a block wall at sunrise.

I gathered our materials in a manila envelope, waltzed into the offices of the Merced Sun-Star, and told the receptionist I would like to see the editor, please. With a straight face, she told me he was busy at the moment, but she’d be happy to take my envelope. Reluctantly I handed it over, reiterating my preference of delivering it personally, as the material was time-sensitive. The receptionist assured me it would be forwarded promptly and—who knows?–maybe they could use it for the Sunday edition. She smiled politely, and I walked away feeling dejected.

That weekend we went out of town to visit family, but when we returned I skimmed through the Sunday edition, just in case. When I saw my byline above a (ruthlessly edited) version of my article, my jaw dropped open. I ran through the house, shrieking that the NEWSPAPER published my story! The NEWSPAPER! I saw clearly my future as a celebrated music journalist, perhaps writing for Hit Parader or Metal Edge (spoiler alert: neither magazine survived the digital age, and mainstream metal did not survive the 90s). The moment is etched forever in my mind as my first real writing triumph.

Last month, my daughter had her own defining moment—also at the age of fifteen. Encouraged by her creative writing teacher, Abbey wrote a short story to submit to the 2018 Tempe Community Writing Contest. Her story “Ladybug Princess” won first place in the high school fiction category and was published in Tempe Writers Forum V.4. I was so crazy proud of her I purchased over a dozen copies, sent out an email blast, and instructed my husband and son to have roses and chocolate cake waiting when we returned home from the awards ceremony.

Abbey’s been writing seriously since middle school and has been recognized for her talent by winning honorable mention in the Young Authors of Arizona Scholastic Writing Awards in both 2015 and 2016. While those achievements were awesome and inspiring, there’s nothing like winning first place and having your story appear in print.

She had the option of reading “Ladybug Princess” at the awards ceremony and bravely chose to do so. I sat in the front row, brimming with joy at my daughter’s accomplishment and also thankful that she has this victory to power her through what can sometimes be a difficult journey.

It takes grit and tenacity to be a writer. Those of you who are writers know what I’m talking about. It means facing rejection over and over. Losing your confidence and feeling, at times, very alone. Spending hundreds of hours crafting stories you never know if anyone else will read.

But experiencing the wonder of creating worlds and characters that otherwise would never have existed? The incomparable thrill of seeing your name in print for the first time? So worth it.

Read Abbey’s award-winning story here.

A Good Way to End 2016

Honestly? This has not been a good year for me when it comes to publishing. Part of that is the majority of writing I did in 2015 is tied up in 2 unpublished books. One of the books is a collection of short stories, and I hadn’t been submitting the stories individually because for so long I only imagined them as a collection. That could still happen, but there’s no reason for me not to submit them to literary journals in the meantime, which I started doing this fall.

Numbers-wise, I only had three new publications this year, and I collected more rejections than I care to admit. Still, I believe in quality over quantity, and I’m proud of the pieces I did publish. One of them came out this month in Superstition Review, and you can read it here. “The Woman in Room 248” is the story of a young nursing student trying to reconcile her idealized vision of a dream career with the harsh reality of the job. Superstition Review is a tough journal to get into (this wasn’t my first time trying!) so I was thrilled to join their list of contributors. And I’m relieved that I could end 2016 on a positive note.

Hopefully 2017 will be a more fruitful year; I think it will be, now that I’m not stubbornly hoarding all my newer fiction in the hopes it will be released in the neat little package I’d envisioned. Sometimes dreams need to be let go, but more often they simply need to be re-imagined. I’m a dreamer at heart, so that’s no problem for me.

Sometime in the next few weeks I’ll post my 2016 end of year book survey. I read so much this year (57 books and counting!), and I can’t wait to share some of my favorites with you. Until then, Happy New Year, everyone!

Interview with Amy Silverman, Author of My Heart Can’t Even Believe It

Amy Silverman with her daughter Sophie

Author Amy Silverman with her daughter Sophie

Last summer I had the privilege of reading an early draft of Amy Silverman’s new book, which launches May 1 at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe. My Heart Can’t Even Believe It is a strikingly honest memoir that blends investigative journalism and personal narrative to explore what it means to raise a child with special needs—Amy’s 12-year-old daughter, Sophie, has Down syndrome.

With a journalist’s heart (she is managing editor of Phoenix New Times and has twice been named journalist of the year by the Arizona Press Club), Amy asks hard questions about biology, about history, about motherhood, about discrimination, about the future, about Sophie, and about herself. Most of the time she finds the answers, but her daughter—who is a remarkable and charming girl—continuously surprises her mother by defying all expectations and refusing to be solved.

Like Sophie, My Heart Can’t Even Believe It is fearless, honest, and beautiful.

Click here to pre-order the book through Changing Hands Bookstore, which comes with two tickets to the launch party!

My Heart Can’t Even Believe It is also available for pre-order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

About the Book:

amy's book cover

In MY HEART CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE IT, journalist, blogger, and NPR contributor Amy Silverman tells the story of the birth and growth of her daughter, Sophie, and the Down syndrome diagnosis that changed everything. Amy wrote the book she desperately wanted to read but couldn’t find, meant not just for parents of kids with Down syndrome, but rather a story for anyone touched by disability, a story about science, and a story about being different: something that all of us can certainly identify with. It’s part memoir, part investigative reporting, part parenting manual — a crash course in genetics, history, politics, pop culture, education, medicine, health care policy, marriage, motherhood and family.

About the Author:

Amy Silverman is managing editor at Phoenix New Times and a commentator for KJZZ, the National Public Radio affiliate in Phoenix. Her work also has appeared on NPR’s This American Life and in The New York Times. Amy holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. She lives in Arizona with her husband Ray and daughters Annabelle and Sophie.

Find Amy online at her website, myheartcantevenbelieveit.com.

Elizabeth: You’ve been blogging about your daughter Sophie for nearly eight years. What inspired you to begin sharing your stories, and when did you decide to turn those stories into a book?

Amy: I actually shared my stories about Sophie long before the blog came along. Around the time my first daughter, Annabelle, was born, I began to write memoir – inspired mainly by the now-defunct section on salon.com called “Mothers Who Think” as well as Anne Lamott’s work and what I was hearing on “This American Life,” the public radio show.

I did a few stories for the local NPR affiliate here in Phoenix and managed to get a couple published on Salon. Around that time I also began to teach Mothers Who Write, a local writing workshop I co-teach with Deborah Sussman (and where I met you – yay!). All the memoir stuff started to fall together; I was hooked.

Deciding to start a blog was not easy – I’m old and was not an early adapter of the Internet and all it has to offer. (To say the least.) A co-worker at New Times convinced me to start a blog with the goal of getting me to understand what the company was trying to do online. As a journalist I’d been taught to never give my work away, but I was intrigued by the idea of telling the story of Sophie’s kindergarten year. I started and haven’t stopped, although I’ve slowed down.

And as for the book, to my dismay Sophie did not come with an instruction manual. Not one I was prepared to read. Everything was either too sciency or too touchy-feely – not real.  Not my reality, anyway. (Which is not to say that there aren’t great books out there about DS – there are.) As Sophie grew, and as my shock (and awe but mostly shock, I have to admit) wore off, I began to explore what it meant to have a kid with Down syndrome in the 21st century. It felt like a book. So I pursued that.

My Heart Can’t Even Believe It combines personal narrative with investigative journalism. Can you describe your writing process? How did you approach blending these two different writing styles?

First, I had some amazing role models. If you are at all interested in the genre, I recommend The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman and Crazy by Pete Earley.

Fadiman’s book goes back and forth between a very specific narrative and some wonderfully vast political and historical perspective about the Mong people. Earley, a longtime newspaper reporter, writes about his son, who is seriously mentally ill, and then reports on what it’s like to be SMI in the Miami jail system. Different approaches, both super powerful, both moving from a specific storyline to a broader one.

I read Fadiman’s book when Sophie was in the hospital for open-heart surgery and the book really opened my (sleep-deprived) eyes to the possibility of a different kind of story telling. I’d been trained to never, ever use “I” in my writing as a journalist. Totally forbidden. On the flip side, in my other life as a memoir writer and teacher, there was no reporting.

I began to wonder what would happen if I mixed the two – and then I did, in a story for New Times when Sophie was very young. It worked for me. I was hooked, and began looking for different ways to do it more.

Along with raising two daughters, you are managing editor of Phoenix New Times, run several writing workshops a year, and blog regularly at girlinapartyhat.com. How do you balance work, family, and creative writing time?

It’s not pretty. My husband would tell you I am not very good at it. I am lucky to have a day job that has turned into a 24/7 job as journalism has changed and while that sounds like a negative, it’s been my saving grace because it means that I can slip away during the day for a kid’s school event and make the time up super early the next morning before my family wakes up.

I don’t sleep as much as I should and my closet’s a wreck but if I don’t get that creative time I’m just a miserable person to be around. And family time is not negotiable. I’m not sure that answers the question. There’s an element of smoke and mirrors as well. A lot of time in the car and on the iPhone.

When did you tell Sophie you’d written a book about her and what was her reaction?

People think this is weird and I have to agree, but I didn’t really tell ANYONE about the book until I actually signed a deal with a publisher. I am terribly superstitious (and maybe a little insecure) and at so many points I was unsure it would ever happen. So a few of my writer friends knew and that was it. I told Sophie a few months ago. She was (and continues to be) thrilled. I should hire her to be my publicist.

The first complete draft was due to my editor last fall and on the day it was due Sophie shook me awake, saying, “Your book is due today! Your book is due today!” When I dropped her off that day she instructed me to go print out a copy and leave it at the school office so she could read it. And she was disappointed when it was not available for her winter non-fiction book report project. She is very excited.

Writing memoir means asking hard questions about ourselves and answering those questions with unflinching honesty. You did that here, and the result is an extraordinarily brave and powerful memoir. What did you discover about yourself while writing this book?

I discovered how painfully naïve and uneducated I was before I had Sophie – both emotionally and intellectually. As a child of the 70s and 80s I was sheltered from people who were different from me. I didn’t meet an African American person until college. Growing up, I didn’t know any of my friends were gay.

Sophie was the first person with a developmental disability who I really got to know as a human being. I guess I knew those things before I wrote the book but putting all the pieces together and telling our story really brought it to the surface. I’m not proud of that; I have a lot of lost time to make up for.

On the book cover is a lovely photograph of Sophie. Is there a story behind the photo?

This is embarrassing. I only vaguely recall that photo. We tried several and I was going back and forth with my dear and incredibly talented friend Claire Lawton, who suggested design elements for the cover, and one day she sent a batch that included this image and I said, “Where’d you get that?” And she said, “I found it on the Internet.”

It must have been posted with something I wrote, a blog post maybe, I believe Sophie is 5 or so in the image and I recall the outfit – but not the moment. So yeah, so much for controlling your kid’s image online. Go me.

You have a launch party at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe on May 1. After that, where can readers find you on your book tour?

Details for upcoming events are at myheartcantevenbelieveit.com in the “events” section. I’ll be at Changing Hands in Phoenix on May 7 for the Mothers Who Write Mother’s Day Weekend reunion and again May 12 for a workshop called “Writing The Memoir in Real Time.” More info about pre-ordering and ticketing is at changinghands.com.

Spring Forward

Image from Flickr by Saskia Jansen

Image from Flickr by Saskia Jansen

April is fast approaching, a month with two important dates for me that mark the end of some major projects I began last spring. One of the dates is April 29, when I will graduate from college with my bachelor’s degree in English. The other is April 22, when edits for What Was Never There will (finally!) be completed.

I can say that with confidence because April 22 is not a self-imposed deadline that I can simply extend. To graduate from my degree program, I’m required to take a capstone course for which I choose a culminating project that showcases what I’ve learned—I’ve chosen the final draft of What Was Never There as my project, and that final draft must be turned in to my instructor and classmates in six weeks.

It’s a relief, because I struggled last semester with finding time and creative energy to devote to this second book while balancing homework, and now my second book is homework. It’s also a relief because I at first assumed that my capstone project would have to be the standard 30- or 40-page research paper, and I was dreading it. In January, I learned that I could choose a creative writing project over the research paper and that it could be a work already in progress.

I’ve yet to decide whether to continue school and earn my teaching certificate. If I go that route it would only take one more year, and classes would be at the community college level. Much cheaper! I’ve dreamed of becoming a teacher since my son’s kindergarten year, when I spent a significant amount of time volunteering in his classroom. I’m well aware, however, that it is an extraordinarily tough job, and that good teachers live and breathe their work (and are vastly underappreciated). It’s definitely not a career choice to be taken lightly.

In other news, I had a lovely time reading a birthday-themed story for this year’s Canal Convergence, which was the 30-year anniversary celebration of Scottsdale Public Art. Phoenix New Times co-sponsored the storytelling event, and I was flattered when they asked me to be one of their five readers. The evening was a blast. The story I wrote is called “Still Waters,” and I hope in the near future to have it published so I can share it with those of you who couldn’t be there.

Although I haven’t had much success with my latest round of short story submissions, I received a nice surprise recently when the managing editor of Hospital Drive emailed to ask if she could include my story “The Distance Ratio” in a “Best of” print edition. Of course I said yes, and I’ll let everyone know when ordering information is available!

Finally, thanks for sticking with me these past few months as I cut back drastically on my social media-ing. Now that I’m almost done with school (SEVEN WEEKS!), I’m looking forward to posting more, including sharing some wonderful and inspiring writerly news from several friends (and one very special family member). 🙂